SEO and content marketing invariably go hand-in-hand like peanut butter and jelly. Those intending to thrive online must adopt both these strategies. If content focuses on providing engaging information and building relationships, SEO enhances visibility as it drives traffic. Visitors may stay or leave depending on your SEO and content strategy. Poor quality content or bad SEO can drastically alter your visibility.

About Content Marketing

Valuable content is drafted and curated to distribute relevant reading material that attracts, converts, and retains customers, subsequently helping expand your business. Content teaches you to solve problems that would otherwise stand looming over your brand.

About SEO

Search Engine Optimization or SEO optimizes your website to increase the quality and quantity of traffic as it appears on the SERPs. The entire process utilizes keywords, content, audits, and link building. For search engines, finding information is crucial, and discovering top web content is the ultimate goal. This can be achieved through consistent on-page and off-page SEO activities where relevant keywords are infused into the content.

Combining the Two

If content solves issues with your business, SEO acts as a distribution channel for the content. Potential customers are looking for products and services through keywords, which are ultimately found through combined SEO and content strategies. For instance, product-led content can be optimized to rank on Google to convert users looking for them.

Content and SEO always go together. SEO shows you what the audience actually cares about when you know what they are looking for. That is when you create what the audience needs. You then design a predictable distribution system, resulting in improved website visibility and traffic. When content is inclined towards thought leadership, it generates more backlinks, while gated content generates more leads. In the end, sales enablement converts traffic into revenue.

Each piece of content acquaints the searcher with the service or product, provides them with the relevant knowledge, and lets them know how to resolve their issue.

Here’s how the magic combination can work:

  • Find topics
  • Create and maintain high-quality, product-led, search-focused content
  • Ensure these have search and traffic potential
  • Optimize the content for visibility
  • Reap conversions

Final Thoughts

While both SEO and content are different marketing categories, one does not exclude the other. These are highly compatible channels, which, when used well, hit all your marketing objectives.

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